Untitled # 3 From the Structure of the Polis Series

Untitled # 3rnFrom the Structure of the Polis Seriesrnrn2018rnAcrylic on canvasrn25 x 36 inchesrnu25cf
Untitled # 4 From the Structure of the Polis series

Untitled # 4rnFrom the Structure of the Polis seriesrnrn2018rnAcrylic on canvasrn43 x 86 inchesrnUS$ 2,500
Untitled # 5 From the Structure of the Polis Series

Untitled # 5rnFrom the Structure of the Polis Seriesrnrn2018rnAcrylic on canvasrn55 x 74 inchesrnUS$ 2,500

On the Helicoid (Triptych) From the Geo-structures Series

On the Helicoid (Triptych)rnFrom the Geo-structures Seriesrnrn2019rnMixed on canvasrn29 x 31 inches ea.rnUS$ 3,000

Untitled # 6 From the Geo-structures Series

Untitled # 6rnFrom the Geo-structures Seriesrnrn2018rnAcrylic on canvasrn14 x 20 inchesrnu25cf
On the Helicoid #1 From the Geo-structures Series

On the Helicoidu00a0 #1rnFrom the Geo-structures Seriesrnrn2019rnMixed on canvasrn29 x 31 inchesrnu25cf
On the Helicoid From the Geo-structures Series

On the HelicoidrnFrom the Geo-structures Seriesrnrn2019rnMixed on canvasrn29 x 31 inchesrnu25cf

Untitled # 1 From the Geo-structures Series

Untitled # 1rnFrom the Geo-structures Seriesrnrn2019rnMixed on MDFrn31 x 31 inchesrnUS$ 1,200
Untitled # 2 From the Geo-structures Series

Untitled # 2rnFrom the Geo-structures Seriesrnrn2017rnMixed on MDFrn29 x 31 inchesrnUS$ 1,200

Untitled # 3 From the Geo-structures Series

Untitled # 3rnFrom the Geo-structures Seriesrnrn2017rnMixed on MDFrn15 x 25 inchesrnUS$ 1,000
Untitled # 4 From the Geo-structures Series

Untitled # 4rnFrom the Geo-structures Seriesrnrn2017rnMixed on MDFrn15 x 25 inchesrnUS$ 1,000

Sunrise in the polis (Diptych) From the Structure of the Polis Series

Sunrise in the polis (Diptych)rnFrom the Structure of the Polis Series.rnrn2018rnAcrylic on canvasrn59 x 78 inchesrn59 x 157 inchesrnUS$ 6,000
The City as an Existential Extension of Being RAUL HERRERA
“Cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because, and only when, they are created by everybody”
-. Jane Jacobs (1916-2006)
The city as an existential extension of being, has been repeatedly interpreted by visual creators since time immemorial, allowing us, somehow, to be eyewitnesses of its own evolution and development, of its social and architectural complexities, and of its transformation as the epicenter of existence.
A city built from art is ultimately a refuge for those who inhabit it, for those who interpret it as an experiential document, and for those who come to it from an emotional point of view.
Raul Herrera (Barinas, 1980) brings us closer to the city from a frontal, blurred perspective, transforming it into a sort of urban facade that turns the plan into space, accent, and architectural construction.
His structures are configured from his own experiences, those that move between the city itself and the peripheral territory of the artist’s native geography. They are habitable structures that enclose and contain the emotional landscape that occupies them, runs through them, and recreates them as imaginary and contemplative.
The artist creates geometric structures full of a deep chromatic load that transforms them into silent spaces, charged with light, and with a life of their own; pictorial structures where line, plan, and color reside. They contain a condition that transforms everything and consolidates the act of living and transcending.
From a creator and meticulous observer spirit, Herrera assembles everything that passes through his gaze, turning the ideal of the city into what we all in some way aspire: a map and refuge for our best human values.
Alberto Asprino