JGB Jun2018 1
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Curatorial Text
Juan Gonzalez Bolivar
The Matter of Memory
The work of Juan Gonzu00e1lez Bolu00edvar (Cu00fapira, Venezuela, 1978) has been moving from a memory bank of landscape imagesu2013constructed through hazy representations in which the figure could still be seenu2013to an almost abstract vision where texture predominates.
Although Gonzu00e1lez Bolu00edvaru2019s work has always been based on a subjective narrative, in his recent paintings the pictorial transcription of this subjectivity has gained lyrical depth, metaphorical breadth and, at the same time, visual richness.
Like Armando Reveru00f3nu2013another Venezuelan artist who loved the lightu2013Gonzu00e1lez Bolu00edvar has been existentially linked to the tropical glow that, in his case, blurred the shrub and savannah-filled landscape surrounding La Cruz de la Paloma, a town in eastern Venezuela in which he spent his childhood. His youthful experiences in, and subsequent contemplation of, this landscape filled the artist with images and sensations that have resulted in an expansive emotional and visual stock for his pictorial practice.
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If in Reveru00f3n the whites translated the light, in Gonzu00e1lez Bolu00edvar they also signify the disintegrating process of memory. In works from the series Sounds and Songs, the white bursts on top of the colors create a layer of gestural transparency. The tones and forms are veiled with determined brush strokes and the pictorial paste is enriched with mixtures, scrapes, gradations and impastos.
In the series Sounds and Space and in pieces such as After the Rain, the artist works with layers of white on white (or pale pastel shades), establishing contrasts by saturation gradations. In these pieces, the painting and the drawing are intersected. The “background”, deep and profuse, made with layers of broad white strokes, is crossed by thin lines that construct abstract structures similar to networks or precarious grids.
In Gonzu00e1lez Bolu00edvaru2019s recent work figurative referents have almost completely disappeared and only a few strokes or forms with diffuse tessitura activate free associations. The lyricism that these pieces acquire is not based on color but on the quiet contrasts of whites, grays, sepias, blues and pastel violets.rnIn this chromatic containment, textures, impastos and positioning enhance their expressive nature. Then, the pictorial matter becomes the field of the memory and the painting acquires the ungraspable quality of remembrance.
rnClick below to see in Spanishrn
Katherine Chacu00f3n
Of the Series sounds and songs
Of the Series sounds and songs
rnMixed on canvasrn17 x 17 in.rn2016rn$ 800 Contact UsrnPlease click the image bellow to enlargern
Of the Series sounds and songs
Of the Series sounds and songs
rnMixed on canvasrn17 x 17 in.rn2016rn$ 800 Contact UsrnPlease click the image bellow to enlargern
JGB Jun2018 4
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and after the rainu2026
and after the rainu2026
rnMixed on canvasrn20 x 20 in.rn2016rn$ 800 Contact UsrnPlease click the image bellow to enlargern
front with front
front with front
rnAcrylic and pencil graphite on canvasrn39 x 59 in.rn2017rnrn$ 3,800 Contact UsrnPlease click the image bellow to enlargern
the passage of the clouds
the passage of the clouds
rnOil on canvasrn24 x 55 in.rn2015rn$ 3,000 Contact UsrnPlease click the image bellow to enlargern
JGB Jun2018 2
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Of the Series sounds and songs
Of the Series sounds and songs
rnMixed on canvasrn17 x 17 in.rn2016rn$ 800 Contact UsrnPlease click the image bellow to enlargern
Of the Series sounds and songs #3.
Of the Series sounds and songs #3.
rnMixed on canvasrn17 x 17 in.rn2016rn$ 800 Contact UsrnPlease click the image bellow to enlargern
JGB Jun2018 3
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J G B Of the Series Sounds and Space #5
Of the Series sounds and space
rnAcrylic and pencil graphite on cardboardrn17 x 12 in.rn2018rn$ 500 Contact UsrnPlease click the image bellow to enlargern
Of the Series sounds and space # 6
Of the Series sounds and space # 6
rnAcrylic and pencil graphite on cardboardrn17 x 12 in.rn2018rn$ 500 Contact UsrnPlease click the image bellow to enlargern
Of the Series sounds and space # 7
Of the Series sounds and space # 7
rnAcrylic and pencil graphite on cardboardrn17 x 12 in.rn2018rn$ 500 Contact UsrnPlease click the image bellow to enlargern
Of the Series sounds and space # 8
Of the Series sounds and space # 8
rnAcrylic and pencil graphite on cardboardrn17 x 12 in.rn2018rn$ 500 Contact UsrnPlease click the image bellow to enlargern